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Extract from interview between lecturer and BEd student - evaluation of the course

L: And there wasn't any sort of massive (2) situation where (.) you disagreed with any judgement of any sort?
S: Well there is at the moment with the (.) the component 12 ( 2.) we haven't had our results back yet (.)
L: [Mm hm
S: and we were told that (.) we wouldn't be getting (.) our (.) results back until all the assignments had been handed in (.)
L: yes
S: so obviously some people at the moment haven't handed in their assignments
L: [yes
S: so the whole (.) year not to get their results back
L: [until
S: because 2 or 3 people haven't handed theirs in (.)
L: oh
S: I don't think (.) that's very fair because (.) you're not being encouraged (.) to get it in on time(.) why should we suffer for people that haven't
L: [yes and was
L: was there an actual submission date
S: yes
L: what was said before
S: but then again (.) there has been eh a sort of mix up with this (.) we were told very (.) plainly that it had to be in for (.) week 8
L: [Mm yes
S: but on another piece of paper that we got out (.) it's saying week 11 (.)
L: Ah
S: but we were told in the lectures it had to be in for week 8 (.)
L: Yes
S: and the activities for component 12 were (.) to be a lead up to the exam
L: Mm hm
S: so it was in your own interests to get it in
L: [yes
S: before you did sit the exam (.) but (.) eh there was another (.) piece of paper given out saying (.) that had to be handed in in week 11
L: [Mm hm
S: but at the moment eh we're being told that (.) we're not getting our results back until all the (.) assignments have been handed in
L: [right, right
L: you feel a bit aggrieved about that because you
S: [ I don't feel that's fair
as I say I don't feel as if you're being encouraged (.) to get things in on time (.)
L: right
S: and do the work for the time that it's been set
L: if then the whole thing is held up because some people don't submit right I take (indistinct)
S: I don't feel as if eh people who haven't handed in is my problem I get mine in on time so (.) what everybody else does is nothing to do with me
L: [Right right right exactly exactly.

This transcript by Jennifer Greenald was found free at www.englishresources.co.uk
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