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Transcript of a conversation between a plumber P and a teacher T arranging to have a washbasin replaced.

By Jennifer Greenald

P: it's goin (.) there
T: yeah (.) yep
P: obviously you're goin to have to keep that there (2) keep the timber because of the
T: that was left by the last people that had the house
P: it's a stereo unit (.) innit
T: (Laughs) looks like it (.) yes
P: I've seen some things (.) but eh (.) I see (3) don't see any problems there (.) em (.) have you got taps & everything with it or are you putting these on
T: [yes (.) taps (.)
That's the main reason I'm having it replaced ( indecipherable utterance)
P: no (.) once they go they go there's not a lot you can do about it (.) right (.) you're looking at (2) roughly a mornings work (.) eh. (.) bit of pipe.. it'd be say (.) won't cost you more than (3) 45 quid (.) that's fitted
T: mhm...
P: I suppose you want it done straight away
T: yeh (.) soonish (.) I'm a teacher so it's easier to get it done just now when I'm around than
P: where d'you teach?
T: Ferndown
P: oh yeh (.) me wife teaches at um Heatherlands down there
T: I mean I'm here next week (.) until the 23rd
P: umm I think I could fit you in Saturday morning (2) that be any good
T: that'd be great
P: right if we make it Saturday morning (2) if there's any alteration (.) what (.) what it is I'm going up to Basingstoke (.) tomorrow um I don't know what how long I'm going to be there but hopefully it'll be just the day and then I'll let you know and go on from there if I don't phone you fine Saturday morning (1) if if eh
T: what kind of time would you be here Saturday morning
P: eh I spose you want a lay in
T: no I don't mind (.)
P: [oh
T: I just want to know
P: half nine ten o'clock (.) turning your water off is (.) it's all up there is it?
T: yes (.) it's just at the front
P: yeh no problem it all turns off (.) that's what I'm saying
T: yeh
P: OK that's lovely

Transcription code:

[simultaneous utterance
(2) 2 second pause (.) short pause

This transcript by Jennifer Greenald was found free at www.englishresources.co.uk
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