Mansfield Park

Symbolism and role-playing: Landscape Gardening and Theatricals

"It does not occur to her [Mary], as it does to Fanny, to regret the destruction of the trees, since she is scarcely aware of inanimate nature, or the wider physical universe beyond herself and the few people she cares for."

Marilyn Butler, Jane Austen and The War of Ideas (Oxford, 1975)

Essay assignment: Show how Austen uses symbolism and role-playing to reveal aspects of character and to highlight important themes.

"Lovers’ Vows gives them a licence for what would normally be entirely improper…The impropriety lies in the fact that they are not acting, but finding an indirect means to gratify desires which are illicit"

Marilyn Butler

Areas to cover

Structure of the essay (general guidelines)

"The knife in the Price family, that dispossessed and unruly element to which Fanny herself belongs, lurks undercover at Portsmouth, a potential threat to peace and order."

Isobel Armstrong

Always use quotations judiciously to support your argument

by Nicholas R Evans

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